Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Superfreelancers! We’re delighted to welcome you.

The following terms of service (these “Terms of Service”) govern your access to and use of superfreelancers.com and the products, features, services, technologies, and software published on it and the Superfreelancers mobile app (the “Superfreelancers Services”). The terms “us,” “we,” “our” refer to Superfreelancers.com and its managing companies: SUPERFREELANCERS Technologies OÜ (Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Narva mnt 7, 634, Estonia), RemoteFirst Group Limited (Room A, 21/F, Gaylord Commercial Building, 114-118 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong). “You” or “User” means you as a user of the Site.

SUPERFREELANCERS Technologies OÜ is a legal entity registered and operating in accordance with the legislation of Estonia.

Subject to the conditions set forth herein, Superfreelancers may, in its sole discretion, amend these Terms of Service and any other agreements that comprise the Terms of Service at any time by posting a revised version on the Site. Any revisions to the Terms of Service will take effect on the noted last updated date (the “Last Updated” date).

You must read, agree to, and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this Terms of Service, as well as the Related Documents, to use Superfreelancers Services. Superfreelancers considers your use of Superfreelancers Services as an acceptance of the Terms of Service and the Related documents. If you do not accept these Terms of Service or the Related documents, you must not access or use Superfreelancers Services after the Last Updated date. For more detailed policies surrounding the activity and usage on the Site, please access the designated sections herein.

Last updated: April 26, 2023

You can contact our dedicated Support Team 24/7 if you have any questions regarding Superfreelancers Services or the Terms of Service. Your questions will be answered in the order of arrival. You can contact our Support Team here.

Till Deal Ltd, with its registered address at 105-109 Sumatra Road, London, England, NW6 1PL, is the authorized reseller and merchant of the products and services offered within this store on the territory of EU, UK, and ROW.

Terms of Use

Users must be of legal age (or must have otherwise reached the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which they conduct business) to use Superfreelancers Services.

Superfreelancers.com is not available to users who are residents of Iran, Cuba, North Korea, the Russian Federation, and other countries and territories included in the OFAC list.

To create or order a superfreelancer service, you must register with a valid email address or social media account. Each User may only create one account. Superfreelancers reserves the right to delete duplicate accounts.

The User has the right to delete their Account at any time only after all orders in their account have been completed and delivered. Should the User decide to delete their Account, they agree to the permanent deletion of such Account. Accounts deleted by mistake can be restored within 30 days by contacting Superfreelancers’ Support Team.

Under no circumstances will the User be able to create a new account using the same email, phone number, and payment details used in a previously deleted account. Should the User have funds on their balance before deleting their Account, they should withdraw all funds before such deletion. The User will not be able to delete their Account unless all funds have been withdrawn.

You may not buy, sell, gift, or share a Superfreelancers account. Upon registration, Users must create a valid username that will be visible to all other Users.

A username may include Latin characters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores. Usernames containing phone numbers, words reserved for Superfreelancers employees, profanity, and offensive or abusive language are prohibited. Superfreelancers reserves the right to modify any username that violates these terms.

Users are responsible for the protection of their authentication details to prevent malicious use of the Service by third parties and should promptly notify Superfreelancers of abuse of the service. Users are individually responsible for all content posted on Superfreelancers, including but not limited to superfreelancer services, pictures, videos, reviews, and comments.

By creating an account with Superfreelancers, Users confirm that they understand and agree with these terms and also agree to reimburse any expenses incurred by Superfreelancers in case a copyright claim is made against Superfreelancers. The User agrees that they are not considered a worker, employee, or agent of Superfreelancers, and that the User is not entitled to represent himself/herself as such.

The User does not have the right to assign his/her rights and obligations under this Terms of Services in whole or in part.

Superfreelancers may assign its rights and obligations hereunder or any of its rights and obligations hereunder without the User’s consent at any time.

Profanity, vulgarity, unauthorized advertising, as well as posting information and materials that negatively affect Superfreelancers’ brand image are prohibited. A full list of prohibited content can be found here. Superfreelancers reserves the right to remove any material posted on Superfreelancers Services, including but not limited to superfreelancer services, reviews, comments, etc., as well as suspend or remove a User’s account without explanation. In case of suspected unauthorized access, spam, or other suspicious activity on your account, Superfreelancers may temporarily suspend the account until the account is deemed secure again.

In case of blocked accounts, the User can complete any of the orders in progress but cannot accept or start to work on new orders. The User may withdraw money from their balance to the credit/debit card on file or any other withdrawal method available on the “Cash Flow” page. Users will be able to only communicate with the support service, while communications and chats with other users will be temporarily unavailable. Disputed situations and issues, including financial matters, can be resolved by contacting Superfreelancers’ Support Team via email or through a request submitted on superfreelancers.com.

The Support Team will review and work to resolve the issue. Unique issues without applicable or governing rules will be resolved as Superfreelancers’ Support Team deems appropriate. You may not disclose information you obtain while signed in to Superfreelancers, including but not limited to the specifications and terms of orders and personal correspondence with other users and representatives of Superfreelancers.

You may disclose information about your superfreelancer services, your earnings on Superfreelancers, and other information related to your account if that information does not infringe on the privacy of other users. All sellers who earn an income by offering services and fulfilling orders using Superfreelancers Services are solely responsible for their compliance with local regulations and laws, including but not limited to licensing regulations and tax laws.

Users may not use unethical or disreputable advertising methods to promote Superfreelancers affiliate links, copy Superfreelancers Services in whole or in part, or use Superfreelancers’ branding or design to mislead others. For more information, see the Affiliate Program Rules.

At its sole discretion, Superfreelancers has the right to unilaterally terminate these Terms of Services at any moment, inter alia, in case of breach by the User of any provision of these Terms or any provision of any of the Related Documents. In this document, the “Related documents” refers to Superfreelancers’ Copyright Protection on Superfreelancers, Prohibited Services, and the Approval Process for superfreelancer services and the Privacy Policy, SUPERFREELANCERS Service Dispute Resolution Policy. Superfreelancers balance is not meant to be used to keep money indefinitely. If an account is inactive for 2 years or more, it will be put on Archival Service. In this case, the inactive account will be charged $5 per month for two years since the activation of the Archival Service, and $50 per month starting from the third year.


Upon registering for Superfreelancers, you agree to have your personal data stored and processed and to receive information from Superfreelancers, including email newsletters. Superfreelancers may collect, store, and process user data (cookies, data, identifiers) as needed to operate the website, to effectively implement the affiliate program, and for promotional purposes. How and why Superfreelancers collects and processes your personal data are outlined in our Privacy Policy.

Superfreelancers may exercise control over personal correspondence between Users to ensure compliance with the Terms of Service and the Related documents. This includes the right of Superfreelancers to review the content of the personal correspondence. Superfreelancers.com and the mobile app, including their general layout, look and feel, design, information, content, and other materials available thereon, are the exclusive property of the owner and protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws.

Superfreelancers Service rules


Superfreelancers is an online, digital marketplace where businesses and individuals can buy and sell freelance services. Buyers are Users who purchase freelance services on Superfreelancers.

They are organized in seven levels: New, Rising, Experienced, Seasoned, Established, Expert, and Top. Sellers are Users who sell freelance services on Superfreelancers.

They are divided into three levels: New, Advanced, and Professional. Each User can be a seller and buyer simultaneously. A superfreelancer service (with a lowercase ‘k’, not to be confused with Superfreelancers with an uppercase ‘k’) is a freelance service offered in the Marketplace. The fixed minimum price of a superfreelancer service is $10. The Superfreelancers Account is the personal section of Superfreelancers, unique to each User.

Users can access their accounts by entering authentication details on Superfreelancers’ sign-in page. The Portfolio is a collection of a Seller’s work samples.

The Marketplace refers to all superfreelancer services offered by Sellers on Superfreelancers as a whole. Buyers go to the Marketplace to purchase superfreelancer services from sellers.

Package superfreelancer services are sets of services sellers can offer together to target different audiences and price points. Extra options are additional services sellers can offer in addition to the main service provided in a superfreelancer service. The superfreelancer service page is the dedicated page for each individual superfreelancer service.

Buyers can purchase, read reviews, and learn more about a superfreelancer service on the superfreelancer service page. The Order page is where Buyers and Sellers communicate with each other about a purchased superfreelancer service. Task-based orders are orders divided into portions, and every specific task is worked on and delivered separately.

Custom superfreelancer service offers are customized superfreelancer services Sellers can create that meet the specific needs of a Buyer.

Custom superfreelancer service requests are requests Buyers can send to Sellers for a Custom superfreelancer service offer. Superfreelancers’ Choice is a highly-coveted badge awarded to superfreelancer services that Buyers love for high-quality work and fast delivery.

Your Balance includes your Earnings as a Seller and refunded payments after an order is canceled (as a buyer). You can view your Balance in the Cash Flow section of your account. Partners are payment systems or other services that deliver, hold, or receive payments. Earnings are the money that Sellers receive from completed orders and can either withdraw or use for purchases on Superfreelancers Services in accordance with these Terms of Service.